Our wedding is not only the celebration of a new chapter in our lives, but also a celebration of the New Year. Your arrival time should be no later than 11:30pm. The ceremony will begin in the last minutes of 2008 and will conclude in the first minute of 2009.

We will be married by Grant Gill, an ordained, non denominational minister and volunteer at St Francis hospital.

Our wedding will be hosted by Cindy of Cindy's Wedding Creations, in her gazebo grotto- complete with stone path, stone lined walls, spheres, and a stone fountain. The gazebo is from Amish country and was assembled onsite.

Please note that this short and sweet wedding will be conducted OUTDOORS, so please dress warmly! Coffee and herbal tea will be available to keep you warm, as well as appetizers.

We will be providing your New Years "attire" of party hats, noise makers and more!

We will have a Martinelli's toast right after the pronouncement followed by cake. Our cake is being handmade by Cindy.

A little history from Gardenvisit.com:

The word 'grotto comes from the Greek word kruptos, meaning hidden. Grottoes originated when it was believed that a union between the Sky God and the Earth Mother created the world. Contact with the Earth Mother was closest in caves with a fountain of spring water. Such places became shrines. When Roman Emperors wanted Greek shrines in their gardens, they made grottoes with fountains. When renaissance princes wanted Roman gardens, they made grottoes with fountains. When English lords wanted classical gardens, they made grottoes with fountains.